Everybody’s business

No-charge comics
Photo By Tom Angel
Free funnies
The kind people at BaT Comics in downtown Chico sent us a bunch of free comics. It’s not a kickback, but rather a promo for Free Comic Book Day, when you, too, can get—you guessed it—free comic books.
The July 3 event is the third of its kind and is being celebrated around the United States. Show up between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. for your copy. They’ll be giving out comics with themes ranging from kiddie humor to crime to superheroes. They’re not crappy leftovers, either. They’ve been specially produced for the day.
Home to roost
In the continuing saga of name changes to the former Busy Bee diner, the eatery at 1144 Park Ave. will henceforth be referred to as Roost Café.
I remember Valerie’s Bakery and Deli, the Park Avenue Café and Steakhouse and some intermediary incarnation whose name escapes both me and the News & Review’s stellar archive system. Let’s hope this one sticks and is tasty.
Bad-luck truck
Forest Ranch residents are hoping for a large turnout of supporters at a fund-raiser planned for July 9.
Back in February, the Forest Ranch Volunteer Fire Department’s squad truck was wrecked as it skidded on black ice while in the process of rescuing people who had been injured at a part of Highway 32 known to locals as “Insurance Curve.” (Also one of Jan and Dean’s lesser-known ’60s surf rock hits.)
The vehicle, Squad 24, was heavily damaged, and Butte County wouldn’t cough up the dough to repair or replace it. The tiny department was left with only its engine to respond to even the most minor of incidents.
Tickets to a dinner at Sierra Nevada Brewery are being sold for $45 each, which is tax-deductible. Donations are also being accepted for a silent auction.
Tickets are available at the Country Café on Nopel Road in Forest Ranch, PacifiCom at 2101 Forest Ave. in Chico, or from the town’s firefighters.
The pout-i-nator
Sometimes, at the News & Review, we get left out of stuff and I feel all pouty and dissed. Like last week when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the Chico Mall. Did we get a press release from the Governor’s Office? Nope. Did local Republicans call to tell us what was up? Nope, unless there’s a message sitting on vacationing editor Tom Gascoyne’s voicemail that I don’t know about.
I heard the govinator was coming when a mall employee I know called to tip me off. “Yeah, right, you’re high on crack,” I said. (I’m not joking; I really did say that.) Even after getting confirmation from the mall office and Schwarzenegger’s people, I decided to trek out to the mall the evening before his visit to see for myself. Sure enough, security people and gossipy shopkeepers abounded.
The mall folks, who’d only just heard about the event and seemed more frazzled than thrilled, were putting up a sign, and out-of-business Troutman’s had been turned into a lounge of some kind.
The week after the event crowded the mall, management was tentatively tallying the day as a success retail-wise. Apparently, the governor both draws the crowds and inspires consumerism.