
Eurotrip is essentially an exploration into the possibilities of playing The Ugly American clichà off of various obliging European stereotypes. So, we get English soccer hooligans, a horny Italian, French mime, and Dutch dominatrix, representing. That’s pretty much it for a plot. Essentially, this is a feature-length advert for its own soundtrack and Frommer’s travel guide (mentions of which could inspire its own drinking game, when released to video).
While a fairly unambitious throwback to the quirky teen comedies of the ‘80s, Eurotrip does deliver with its share of lowbrow laughs through the absurdist set-ups, although its R rating (presumably because of a nude beach vignette offering full frontal male nudity) brings into question just whom it’s being sold to, since the target audience isn’t old enough to be allowed in the theater—although I suspect that ticket sales will spike for whatever’s showing on the next screen over.