Erase Errata
At Crystal Palace

Frenetic, noodling guitar and choppy, disco-punk rhythms dominate the sophomore release from heralded San Francisco no-wave rockers Erase Errata. Singer Jenny Hosyton leads the clusterfuck assault, barking and cooing effect-dampened vocals with goofy, free-association lyrics that sound improvised on the spot. Song topics include aerobics (“Let’s Be Active c/o Club Hott”) and dancing in East Bay gay clubs (“The White Horse is Bucking”)—fun little numbers. Others sound more like morning marching music for ADD camp. Fans of Kleenex, The Slits, Yoko Ono, or riot grrl dance parties festooned with mutilated Barbies should check it out. The hyper, über-spaz energy begs to be seen live (the band already made a name for itself opening for Sonic Youth and Le Tigre). But be forewarned: This album can cause the over-caffeinated jitters.