Dude, Where’s My Country?
Michael Moore

By now, you know the agenda of Michael Moore, award-winning documentarian and best-selling author of Stupid White Men. His latest book offers more of the same vitriolic humor and crusading against our corrupt establishment. The primary thread is the condemnation of the Bush administration, but the best chapters are where Moore drops his sarcasm and points out everyday misconceptions (like how Americans have been duped into believing this is a “conservative country” when unbiased studies show otherwise). Sometimes patronizing, oversimplifying and downright naïve, Moore is still a fun, political humorist, and his goal of reaching blue-collar Middle America with “non-fictional news” is a noble one. But if you’ve been paying attention to alternative news outlets over the last few years, nothing here should prove new. Side note: When talking about the futility of the war on drugs, Moore mentions Chico and our police choppers.