Don’t get bitten
Precautions for avoiding rattlesnakes in Upper Bidwell Park

It’s rattlesnake season in Upper Bidwell Park and Chico park rangers are reminding the public how to avoid a “negative encounter” with a poisonous snake. Here are the recommended precautions:
• Wear hiking boots: The majority of snakebites are on the feet, ankles and hands.
• Stay on trails: Avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush.
• Look ahead: Keep your eyes on the trail.
• Watch where you step: Don’t put your feet or hands in places you can’t see. Step carefully on logs and rocks before stepping over them.
• Bring a friend: Always hike with someone who can help in case of emergency.
• Let dead snakes lie: A recently deceased rattlesnake can still inject venom.
If you are bitten by a rattlesnake, call 911 and seek attention immediately. Call the city Park Division at 896-7800 for more information.