Doggie delight

Molly Mutt duvets and stuff-sacks are both stylish and eco-conscious

San Franciscan Molly Mundt has come up with an eco-conscious way of keeping her three dogs in snappy-looking, clean beds at all times while, at the same time, making use of recycled materials that might otherwise go to the local Goodwill or into the trash can. Mundt’s zippered, washable, 100-percent cotton-canvas Molly Mutt Dog Duvet—which comes in a variety of sizes and stylish fabrics (check out the cool Mr. Roboto duvet, or the pretty, pink-and-gray La Vie en Rose version)—can go directly over a dog’s existing bed, extending the life of the bed. Buy two duvets for a quick switch on laundry day.

Or, forget the dog bed altogether and get a “DIY Kit”—two different, colorful duvets and a “stuff sack,” to be filled with discarded blankets, socks, undies, kitchen towels and so on and placed inside the duvet. (Throw the filled stuff-sack in the wash every now and then for a really clean, recycled doggie bed.)

Prices start at $20. Go to to learn more and to order.