Ditch the hot dog diet
Eating healthier at your next cookout

Now that the most intense heat of the summer is behind us, we can get busy with backyard parties and barbecues again. If you’re trying to eat healthy, however, an invitation to a cookout can turn into a gastrointestinal gauntlet. Nutrition experts from Orchard Hospital in Gridley have some helpful suggestions on how to stick to your regular diet, make good choices and live to eat another day:
• BYO: When asked to bring a side dish to a potluck, prepare a veggie-laden dish like lentil salad, grilled ratatouille or chickpea tomato salad to share with your friends.
• Moderation: Use self-control and don’t double-dip on dessert.
• Protein: Grilled fish and chicken are healthier choices than hot dogs and burgers.
• Skip “salad”: Do mayonnaise and carbs really count as salad? Mix up some leafy greens and skip the potato and macaroni salads.
• Booze: It’s OK to enjoy a margarita on a hot summer day, but that single drink could top 600 calories. Limit your intake, cut your calories and make it home safely.
Source: Orchard Hospital’s Health Education Blog