If you’re anything like me, you’ll often find yourself bookmarking a Web site for later reference only to be unable to find it again. That’s why should be the only URL you’ll ever need to memorize again. allows you to access your bookmarks from any browser and allows you to tag your bookmarks for future use. As you add to your bookmarks, you can also “tag” each with keywords so that you can search, group and sort them down the road. But that’s only the beginning: bills itself as a “social bookmark” site, and provides you with an RSS feed of your bookmarks that you can share with your friends, and vice versa. Additionally, the site aggregates all of its users’ bookmarks into a “popular” feed that allows you see what are currently the most linked-to sites. Finally, the site’s administrators have released what’s known as an “open API,” which allows other programmers to build onto and enhance the site’s features. Despite its deceptively simple interface and appearance, may be one of the most—dare I say it—delicious Web sites to appear in years.