Debating a label
A look into both sides of the battle around GMO-containing foods

For close to a month supporters of Proposition 37, the effort to label genetically modified foods, had been holding their breath in anticipation of the final results of the general election. When the California secretary of state website updated the final numbers on Monday (Dec. 3), the measure had come up only 1.5 percentage points (48.5 percent to 51.5 percent) short of a majority.
For the No on 37 camp, including some local farmers, there was a lot at stake. The same can be said for the Yes on 37 campaign.
And while these two groups disagree on the merits of the measure, they agree that the discussion about labeling genetically modified foods isn’t going away.
In this special issue you’ll hear takes on Prop. 37—and the future of the food movement—from both sides of the debate.