Days of Lore

Putting “The Logs” on the fire. I’m in the Christmas spirit three weeks ahead of schedule. For the past few years, I’d pretty much forget that it was “the holiday season” until I actually arrived at my parents’ house on Christmas Eve with a bag of unwrapped presents under one arm and a sack of egg nog and rum in the other.
I guess there are the usual tell-tale signs that Christmas is approaching—big retail outlets shoving wreaths and garland down our throats before the last bag of stale Halloween candy has been cleared from the shelves, and that sense of widespread panic around the Chico Mall as shoppers frantically search for an overpriced Furby for little Johnny (It always amazes me how people seem to miss the point of Christmas being a time of joy).
Anyway, this year is different. Something happened this past weekend that left me feeling pretty merry. First, my friends bought a Christmas tree—a 4-foot little Doug fir—and that familiar smell hit me and we decorated it while The Beach Boys’ Christmas Album spun on the record player. Then we all went to a Christmas party later that night with a performance by The Yule Logs (see “Music”). The band sounded great, and tons of people crammed into the living room and sang and danced through the 10-song set. Yes, Christmas is here—in a good way. Check the band out at:
“The Booze Bus.” When it came time to leave the festivities, our band of seven decided to take Chico Safe Rides home (No need to drive after a night of boozing. And walking? Forget that. It was so cold, my little boys had already started making their way into my pelvic girdle). We gave them a ring (894-TAXI) and after a half-hour wait, a bus arrived.
For those who don’t know, the Associated Students-funded taxi service is free to students and costs only $2 for non-students. And while the ride may take a little longer, it’s still a hell of a deal and you get to meet some interesting people.
Like the young woman who prattled on about some guy she met, whom she thought was “different,” whom she ended up having sex with while his friends took pictures and what a jerk he was. I managed to dodge her glances as she tried to pull me into the conversation. Others weren’t so lucky. Then there was the quiet woman who hopped on and sat in the first seat, ignoring my attempt at sarcasm when I said, “Don’t you know white people have to sit in the back of the bus?” Another two passengers were so excited about the free service, they affectionately dubbed it “The Booze Bus.” They were very proud of the name and Vicki, our driver, was very patient.
Tour bus of fire. Birds Of Fire bassist Zach Ahern bought a 1982 Chevy van for the band’s upcoming tour with La Dolce Vita for only 160 bucks. I went and checked it out with Birds guitarist Matt Daugherty and La Dolce members Daniel Paggi and Jake Sprecher. Apparently it just needs to be smogged, they told me. It looked solid—especially the snazzy “God Bless America” and “Oroville Eagles” stickers in the back window. I’m sure it will be fine. The tour kicks off Jan. 8 at The Crux Art Collective and will continue down the West Coast through the end of the month.
The designated designer. You’ll notice at the top of the column a fancy new logo. Looks good, eh? It was designed by my friend, the lovely and talented Ashley Thorpe, who can draw the hell out of a logo, but can’t seem to get that butterscotch dessert recipe to turn out right. Thanks, Ashley.