CPR training for young ’uns
Enloe and Butte County EMS teach Chico High students first-aid basics

Students at Chico High School received hands-on CPR training on Nov. 26 and 27 from registered nurse Cindy Weaver, from Enloe’s Education Center, and from paramedics and emergency medical technicians from Butte County EMS.
Roughly 250 ninth- through 12th-graders were instructed in CPR for all ages, how to relieve choking, how to use an automated external defibrillator, splinting, controlling bleeding, and treatment for head, neck and back injuries as part of Vallarie Jensen’s health class, according to an Enloe Medical Center press release. In October, the students underwent first-aid training; students who successfully completed both training sessions received CPR and First Aid cards.
“I have always felt that health classes should be hands-on for our students to appreciate making the right choices for their own health,” Jensen said.