Counting on college
What the recession has wrought

When Chico State students returned to campus last fall, things were looking sunny. A special allocation had allowed the university to admit more students than expected, so enrollment was up. But the fiscal weather in California during the recession is highly unpredictable, and this semester a dark cloud has gathered on the horizon, in the form of Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal to reduce the California State University system’s budget by $500 million, or nearly 20 percent. At Chico State, that means a $14 million cut. The recession is also having an impact on the Associated Students, which is seeing business at its bookstore decline to worrisome levels. In this special issue, we look at these troubling matters. But we have good news, too, in the form of a couple of stories about university programs that are giving students valuable hands-on experience that will serve them well in their careers.
Downturn hits A.S. too
Student businesses hit financially by declining book sales and enrollment.
Where’s the vision?
Chico State’s president looks for hope in a painful budget.
Science times two
It’s one thing to learn about science, but it’s another to explain it to kids.
PR for nonprofits
Student group has paying customers but offers publicity for free to service agencies.