Council wrap-up
Cops in schools and Enloe building approved; Subway drive-thru denied

At the Chico City Council meeting Tuesday (Aug. 7), Chico Police Chief Mike O’Brien announced that Sgt. Mike Williams and Officers Peter Durfee and Carlos Jauregui (pictured) will be the school resource officers for Chico Unified School District this fall.
The council unanimously accepted a $1.5 million state tobacco law enforcement grant to fund the officers. Two more will be added next school year.
The panel also denied a drive-thru Subway at Nord and West Sacramento avenues in a 4-to-2 vote, with Councilman Mark Sorensen and Vice Mayor Reanette Fillmer against (Councilman Karl Ory was absent).
Enloe Medical Center’s proposed 126,000-square-foot medical office building on East Avenue was approved, but will return for additional consideration to make sure neighbors’ concerns are heard.
City staff will analyze the benefits of forming a Community Choice Aggregation, which would create an open energy market.