Cop beating video goes national
Video of Chico police clubbing man picked up by

A video of a Chico police officer beating a DUI suspect with his baton was recently picked up by national celebrity and entertainment website
The 19-second clip shows an officer repeatedly clubbing Sean Reardon, 30, as another officer restrains him on the ground, but it lacks context. On Feb. 18, police reportedly attempted to stop Reardon for a vehicle code violation at Fifth and Main streets, but he pulled away and collided with two vehicles before stopping near Sixth Street and Normal Avenue. Reardon then exited the vehicle, at first complying with officers to lie on the ground and then allegedly rising and reaching into his pockets and waistband. He got on the ground willingly, but a struggle—a recording of which was later broadcast by Action News Now—ensued as officers attempted to cuff him.
Reardon (pictured on Feb. 23) has pleaded not guilty to multiple felonies, including recklessly evading police, hit and run, resisting arrest and DUI within 10 years of a previous DUI. According to TMZ, Reardon has filed a claim against the city.