Clean closets, helping hand
Donate your stuff to charitable thrift stores

It’s been difficult to tell it’s springtime as of late, but the season is actually upon us. That means it’s the time for spring cleaning. If you’re the kind of cleaner who goes through the closet and cupboards to lighten your load, keep this in mind and you’ll aid the environment and your fellow man: Make certain the items you donate go to a good cause, such as your friendly neighborhood charitable thrift store. There are many in Chico. Here are some options:
ARC Thrift Store: Drop off items at 2030 Park Ave., 891-5865. (Benefits the disabled.)
The Discovery Shoppe: 315 Flume St., 343-1326. (Supports various local causes, such as the Butte County Library.)
Home at Last Thrift & Gift: 611 Walnut St., 712-7777. (Supports Home at Last Equine Sanctuary.)
The Salvation Army: 700 Broadway, 342-2192. (Provides many services to the local needy population.)
Shalom Free Clinic Thrift Store: 250 East First St., 345-7056. (Supports health care provided to the needy at the Shalom Free Clinic.)
The Shop: 752 Mangrove Ave., 343-6178. (Benefits the American Cancer Society.)
Call ahead for donation hours. (Also, check the Butte Humane Society’s “wish list” at to see if you’re giving away any of their needed items.)