
Chimpanzee chronicles the lives of one African chimp clan, with special focus on a young’un named Oscar. Kenny is the alpha male of the clan, the “large and in charge” boss, according to the not-entirely objective script (narrated by Tim Allen). Isha is Oscar’s mother, who’s killed after a brawl with a neighboring chimp clan. Left as an orphan (a familiar Disney theme), Oscar soon forms an unlikely mentorship with Kenny, who steps in as foster dad. The first half of the movie really tries to build Kenny’s character as the stereotypical stubborn old man figure, so that it’s extra sweet when he accepts Oscar. And it is sweet. But it’s also a stretch to believe that Kenny is crotchety just because Allen tells us so. For the sake of your enjoyment—and that of the kids in the audience—you have to just go with it. Plus, the movie’s visuals overshadow any criticisms of the content. With the lens under the canopies of the African rainforests, some beautiful stuff starts to show itself. The lush green scenery and quirky chimp faces are fun to watch, and the time-lapse sequences are especially impressive. Cinemark 14 and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated G.