Chico Fire staffing gaps filled
Council approves over-hiring to provide relief for staffing shortage

It’s been a rough eight months for the Chico Fire Department. Due to two vacancies from resignations and an unprecedented number of extended leaves of absence (four worker’s compensation cases, one maternity-related leave), the department has been down nearly one full-time firefighter per day since the start of the fiscal year, Fire Chief Steve Standridge told the City Council on Tuesday (Feb. 4).
“As such, it necessitated higher than normal use of overtime to maintain our minimum daily staffing, which unfortunately takes a toll on our personnel,” he said.
To stabilize the department, Standridge (pictured) requested hiring for three positions to replace expected retirements this year. This amounts to an additional $129,000 this fiscal year (or $43,000 more per firefighter).
The council approved his request with a 6-0 vote (Councilman Karl Ory was absent).