Caring for their own
Jenny Hall

Photo By Tom Angel
As the daughter of the owner of Hall’s Harley-Davidson & Buell motorcycle shop, in Chico, Jenny Hall has grown up in the shop and around the “family” of folks who work there. So she was devastated when three employees, Brad and Jeannine Murdock and Jolie Nicole, and a customer, Phil Schouboe, were severely injured March 31 in a bizarre accident on Hwy 99, near Meridian Road. Riding on three bikes (Nicole was a passenger), they had stopped on the side of the road to chat. A young woman driving south in a Honda Accord mistakenly thought one of them was in the road, took evasive action by swerving right and plowed right into them. All went to Enloe Hospital with serious injuries. Schouboe, the least injured, and Jeannine Murdock have since been released, but her husband and Nicole are still there. Hall is in charge of organizing a benefit poker run to be held this Saturday, April 30.
How are they doing?
Brad and Jolie are still in the hospital. She has a fracture in her neck; they’ve had to put in pins. Plus she broke both lower bones in one leg. Brad had severe injuries and was in the ICU a long time. He’s had six surgeries and will need more. Jeannine had a broken arm and fractured her pelvis. All three still have a lot of recovery time ahead of them. But they’re outstanding as far as attitude and spirit go.
I understand no charges have been filed against the driver. What’s the feeling about that?
I’ve heard some customers expressing discontent. With the injuries being so bad, it’s surprising there’s been no repercussion. But people don’t hold grudges against [the driver] personally.
Were they insured?
Brad and Jeannine were, through the company, but Jolie had worked there only two weeks and wasn’t qualified yet. She’s going to be hit hard. And Brad and Jeannine are going to be out of work for a long time. That’s difficult for them.
Tell about the poker run.
It starts at 10:30 at Hall’s. We’re riding around Black Butte Lake, picking up poker cards along the way, then stopping at Stony Gorge Reservoir. There will be prizes for high and low hands, a 50-50 raffle, a big barbecue dinner. Folks can camp if they want. It’ll be really fun.
How can non-motorcyclists help?
There are donation accounts, listed as Hall’s Employees’ Medical Expenses, at all Tri Counties Bank locations, or they can come into Hall’s. And this won’t be our last benefit. We’ll be doing things throughout the summer.