Cali drivers lose out
New study shows the state in bottom four for cost to drivers

A new study by WalletHub shows that California is the fourth worst state for drivers, at least when it comes to their pocketbooks. Among the criteria considered in the study were cost of ownership and maintenance (California placed 49th out of 50) and traffic and infrastructure (44th). It also ranked 47th for rates of car theft, 42nd for rush-hour traffic congestion, and 49th for gas prices. The silver lining is the Golden State did place well in the final two categories: safety (fifth) and access to vehicles and maintenance (first). Here are the best and worst states to drive in in 2019:
Five best:
1. Oregon
2. Illinois
3. Indiana
4. Iowa
5. Texas
Five worst:
50. Hawaii
49. Alaska
48. Washington
47. California
46. New Hampshire