By the gallon
A peek at our water footprint

Americans use an average of 100 gallons of water each day.
• Baths take about 70 gallons.
• Showering for five minutes takes between 10 and 25 gallons.
• A standard toilet’s flush uses 3.5 gallons.
• Laundry accounts for about 22 percent of a household’s indoor water usage.
• A faucet leaking one drop per second wastes 3,000 gallons per year.
• Energy Star dishwashers use about 4 gallons of water, as opposed to 6 gallons for standard washers. Handwashing, on the other hand, consumes about 20 gallons.
• It takes 22,000 gallons of water, on average, to fill a pool.
• It takes 39,090 gallons to manufacture a new car.
• Seventy laundry loads’ worth of water goes into the manufacturing of a single laptop computer.
• Growing and processing 1 pound of cotton takes 100 gallons of water.
• Production of a single T-shirt consumes more than 700 gallons.
• Producing a conventional quarter- pound burger takes an amount of water equivalent to about 30 showers (634 gallons).
It takes 53 million gallons per second to supply the world’s food.
• It takes 55 gallons of water to grow enough beans for one cup of coffee.
• One gallon of milk: 1,000 gallons of water.
• A single walnut: 4.9 gallons of water.
• A head of broccoli: 5.4 gallons.
• Head of lettuce: 3.5 gallons.
• One tomato: 3.3 gallons.
• One almond: 1.1 gallons.
• One pistachio: .75 gallons.
Sources:,, National Geographic, Mother Jones