Bring on the passion
Tami Krok

You don’t need to be a wild woman to have good sex. That’s one of the main messages Chico resident Tami Krok emphasizes through her work as a consultant for Passion Parties, a Las Vegas-based company that employs independent consultants throughout the United States and Canada. Similar to the “Tupperware party” model, consultants book the get-togethers and present products in the homes of women who request to host. Krok has been a consultant in the Chico area for nearly two years, ever since she hosted a party for a girls’ night at her home and was thoroughly impressed. Since then, the stay-at-home mother of two boys (one newborn!) has been hosting the gigs part-time to supplement her family’s income and create comfortable spaces where women of all ages and backgrounds can feel comfortable talking about sex.
What kind of occasions do you regularly book?
I’ve hosted bachelorette parties, birthday parties and even parties for new moms who need time for themselves. People will even do fundraisers through Passion Parties, where a portion of our profits go toward a certain charity.
What’s the most memorable party you’ve hosted?
I’ve had a fairly conservative run of parties. I mean the ladies are out to have a good time, but no one’s been disrespectful. There’s no nudity or anything like that. We make it clear that we’ll talk about the products but won’t literally show you how to use them. I have heard of other consultants who have run into some interesting situations before.
What should people know about Passion Parties?
It’s clean fun with a naughty twist. Passion Parties are about trying to teach women about their bodies and how to enhance their sexual relationships with their partners. It’s a very personal thing for a lot of women. That’s why we have confidential ordering; we even do it in a different room.

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Is there an age range?
There’s absolutely no age range. I’ve done bachelorette parties for women in their 60s and birthday parties for girls who just turned 18. At one, there were four generations of women—the woman who had just turned 18, her mom, her grandma and her great-grandma. Often, I find it’s the older women who have a lot of wisdom to impart to the younger generations.
What would you say to a painfully shy woman who is invited to a Passion Party?
I would say just go, have a good time! You don’t need to be a wild woman to have a healthy relationship with your partner. One of our books says, “You can be a good girl and still have great sex.” That’s true.