Born to ride
Your bicycle is your new best friend

The health benefits of bicycling go far beyond getting your heart pumping and enjoying some fresh air. In fact, cycling is good for your whole body, inside and out, and it’s easier on the knees than running. Research shows that it can boost your mood by releasing endorphins, and group riding is a great way to meet people and widen your social circle if you are lonely. Cycling builds muscles in your arms, legs and core, which can help prevent arthritis, and a good ride can burn up to 1,000 calories an hour, melting away extra pounds. When it comes to brain health, cycling increases blood flow to that region by almost 30 percent, which can prevent dementia later in life. Add increased navigational skills, a strengthened immune system and better sleep, and the key to a healthier life is sitting on two wheels, waiting for you to hop on.