Batman Begins
Warner Brothers

Okay, guys. It’s confession time: I … I read comic books. So naturally, this past summer’s Batman movie, Batman Begins, made my nerdy little heart nearly burst with glee. The film, directed by Memento’s Christopher Nolan, was a much-needed return to the Dark Knight’s roots after the neon-soaked excesses of Joel Schumacher’s previous two franchise-killing film versions. Like the onscreen version, these DVDs do not disappoint. The discerning Bat-fan has two editions to choose from: a bare-bones movie-only edition or a two-disc deluxe edition that’s filled to capacity with extras and even comes packaged with a reprint of Detective Comics No. 27, the comic book that started it all. Both editions use the same transfer, which is one of the best of the year, with deep blacks and shadows, no visible film grain, and no visible compression artifacts. The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack is expressive, with active surrounds and a rumbling LFE track that is sure to annoy your neighbor. After years of neglect, it’s great to see Batman get the film—and DVD—he deserves.