Arts Devo
This is some new shit

“Escuela 1/15/18 Raw Haus (Chico CA),” by Travis California
This is new … During uncertain times filled with stress and frustration, one of the best outlets for anger is simply rocking out. And whatever level of mental health Arts DEVO has been able to achieve during the angst-inducing tenure of No. 45 thus far has been the direct result of enjoying huge volumes of noise and sweat with fellow music fans.

I could say live music has been crucial. Which I will, because that segues nicely into introducing Crucial Times Photography, a collective of local picture-takers started by photo/bike dude Travis California that aims to collaborate via exhibitions and self-made publications. The first project is a photo ’zine featuring the works of seven of its members—California, Michelle Camy, John Simcox, Bryan Hannah, Khari Cowell, Miles Claibourn and Sean Mellon—that highlights live music with 10 images from each artist showcasing the music scene in Chico and beyond. It’s a gorgeous collection of color and black-and-white shots that captures the musical underground at its exciting, energetic and sweaty best—from punks losing their shit at house shows to Jonathan Richman smiling at the crowd at the Blackbird bookstore/cafe.
According to collective member Camy, a Volume 2 (possibly under the theme of film) is in the works, and a Crucial Times group exhibit is coming to Naked Lounge in August (show and reception details TBA soon). Buy Volume 1: Music at Blackbird for $10.
… so is this A new improv group is fresh on the scene, and it is offering to teach you how to join them. The Asstronuts Improv Comedy Troupe is hosting drop-in classes on first, second and fourth Mondays, 7-9 p.m., and performances on third Mondays of the month. The troupe meets at the new video/audio production business Kingmaker Studios (561 E. Lindo Ave.), and was started by a couple of local actors—Chris Murphy (who has taken improv classes at the famed Groundlings Theatre & School in Los Angeles) and Matt Taylor. CN&R staff writer and local-theater geek Ashiah Scharaga attended the troupe’s debut performance a couple of weeks ago and said it was so funny she “laugh-cried.” Admission to classes is by donation, and the next performance is Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. Visit for details.
… and this If I say, “a new song by Scout is out,” you should stop, close all open tabs, type in and get some of that ASAP. There is no local music that’s excited me more over the last couple of years than the electro-acoustic jams of my current favorite songwriter. The new track is a typically chill Scout jam, and this one’s crystal-clear message is right there in the title: “I’m Not a Girl, I’m Not a Boy.” Get it and the rest of Scout’s catalog right now.