Arts Devo
Music and music

Black Fong closes the CAMMIES Finale & Awards Show.
Photo by Andy Tomaselli
Hoppy Jam Sunday’s CAMMIES Finale & Awards Show was about the most “Chico day” Arts DEVO could’ve dreamed up: the Chico News & Review presenting 13 live local bands next to the hop fields of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. in front of more than 800 music fans. Of course, it was also hot—not nearly “Chico hot,” but mid-80s does require some reacclimation when it first hits the spring—and the heat did add a familiar hue to what was a great snapshot of the Chico community at its best. (And the brewery’s new outdoor venue, the Hop Yard, is dope. It’s open Friday-Sunday, noon-8 p.m., and your kids and dogs are welcome!)
The CN&R also gave out some awards throughout the day (if you missed any, the full list of winners is on the following page), and my personal favorite moment was getting to introduce the CAMMIES Critics’ Choice Award for lifetime achievement, and I think it’s worth repeating what I said:

Warren Haskell (flanked by Bill Parnell and Holiday Davis) at the CAMMIES Finale.
In a college town like Chico, if you’re a musician whose main areas of focus are classical guitar and gospel music, you’re not going to get the same attention as a guitarist with a stack of amplifiers or a DJ with a laptop. But despite the challenge of keeping traditional forms alive, this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient has put in the work and managed to create at least two very special niches in the local music scene. For more than a decade, his Classical Guitar Project has brought together the best local players as well as some the best guitarists from around the world (some who play major concert halls during the rest of their tours) for regular intimate performances of the highest caliber. And, over roughly the same period of time, he’s also led the Doin’ It Justice Community Chorus, a group of locals “dedicated to promoting peace and justice” and raising money for community organizations. Of course, he’s also a performer himself—with a master’s in classical guitar performance from USC—and a teacher who has schooled some of the best local players since coming to Chico in the early ’90s. The 2018 Hogan/West/LaPado Lifetime Achievement Award goes to: Warren Haskell.
Secret shows A couple of shows on the down-low for kids in the know:
On Saturday, April 28, the DIY badasses of Exhibition Tapes are hosting the day-long Exhibition Fest, their last show at the Exhibition House, featuring at least 11 local and Bay Area bands (Chico’s PERVERT, Oakland’s Mouth, and many more). Ask a punk.
And on May 6, the busy music fanatics from Chico State’s SOTA Productions class are hosting their final monthly Sofar Sounds show of the semester. As with all shows in the Sofar series, you know the date, but the performers are kept secret and the location is only revealed to those who reserve tickets. Visit for details.