Arts Devo
Trying not to get too faked out by false spring

Don’t fall for it little buddy; it’s a trick!
Photo by Sarah Campbell
I am a budding twig Last year around this time, a friend of Arts DEVO’s—local illustrator-to-the-rockstars Matt Loomis (aka DJ Goodburger, aka DJ Mattle Axe)—casually made reference to an outdoor activity that would be taking place during something called “Fakeout Week” (never mind that I remembered it as “Fake Week”). Loomis was the first person I heard use that term, but I was well aware of the phenomenon—“that one week in Feb. when it gets warm,” as Loomis put it, and we all go nuts running around in our short pants like kids on a school vacation.
I bring this up now because, dammit if it isn’t Fakeout Week right now! And it is glorious. Not many Californians are going to to complain when winter and much-needed rain returns. But looking at this amazing photo taken earlier this week by local photographer/tile artist Sarah Cambell (look up “Black Cat Bazaar” on Etsy and Flickr)—of the scene playing out in Nord, on the outskirts of town where the year’s first almond blossoms have arrived—and it feels pretty good to fall hard for the fakeout.
The budding twigs spread out their fanTo catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.
—William Wordsworth, from “Lines Written in Early Spring”
For all you darling buds There is an impressively eclectic selection of Valentine’s Day alternatives to choose from this weekend. Way to keep it weird, Chico.
• Queen: A Night at the Opera: The Uncle Dad’s Art Collective’s appropriately grand adaptation of the classic album is sold out. But word is that Chico Performances is compiling a stand-by list in the event of no-shows. Maybe you’ll get lucky this Valentine’s Day weekend? Saturday, Feb. 13, 7:30 p.m., Laxson Auditorium.
• New Wave Prom: Rev up the DeLorean, push it to 88 miles per hour, and get ready for some serious nostalgia with alternative 1980s dance hits from DJ J-Ho and live music from local Gothic/new wave tribute band Her Tragic Mistake. Saturday, Feb. 13, 8 p.m., at Chico Women’s Club. Tickets $10 in advance (Ultra Beautician, Bootleg) and $13 at the door.
• Weed dating: The Chico Grange is putting a spin on speed dating. Help weed its community garden for an hour, then come inside for some $1 mimosas, maybe meet a new friend and swap phone numbers. Sunday, Feb. 14, 1-3 p.m.
• Valentine’s Day Sing Your Heart Out: The Living Karaoke Band will be on stage at Lost on Main playing live as local lovers (who prereserved their songs, sorry no walk-ups) belt out classics of the heart—from the Love Boat theme to “Love Shack.” Sunday, Feb. 14, 6 p.m.