Trapped inside a column with Arts DEVO

Terrell is an animal.
Trapped Type “escape” into Google and the first result that returns is a link to a free game (called Escape? Dodge?). The game features five blocks in a square playing field, one red and four blue of varying sizes. The instructions are simple: “Click and drag the red block, avoiding all the blue blocks as long as you can.” As soon as you click on the red block it starts, and in seconds the game is over. But then the next game starts, and the next, and the next—each brief snack-bite makes you crave a longer, more lasting taste. It’s an escape for sure, one that takes you from whatever life-stress you feel trapped under and tucks you safely inside the boldly defined lines of the simple game. You’re in another trap, but a much less confusing and more comforting one.

The nature of escaping from those feelings of being trapped is at the heart of King Equals Dead, Andrew Terrell’s upcoming show at RAYRAY Gallery, the opening trap for which is set for Friday, Sept. 24, 6-9 p.m. The gallery is going to be set up to overwhelm visitors, while escape will be offered by both Terrell’s paintings and musical guest Dr. Yes! (in the house to celebrate the release of two new CDs). For a fleeting taste, go see Terrell drop into the rabbit hole at Hoopmov’s YouTube channel:
(Interesting side note: The first result of a Google Image search for “escape” is this adorable picture of the “Esc” key fleeing the computer. Think about it …)

The handsome one.
Act naturally: visit Local musical savant Mark Zempel (he of Fang of Gore and Folkenstein fame) and drummer-in-a-thousand-bands Carey Wilson have joined forces to pay homage to the 70 years of life of the world’s greatest drummer with the mother of all cover nights: A Celebration of Ringo Starr (Oct. 15, at The Down Lo). Visit the site above to get info and reserve a slot singing along with the hosts’ Living Karaoke Band.
DEVOtions: Cluster-bunched edition
Saturday, Sept. 25, is one of those what-were-they-thinking, spread-us-too-thin days of conflicted scheduling that Chico pulls out of its community-events calendar every couple of months (or sometimes weeks). Your simultaneous choices for the day include: Chico Palio in the City Plaza; Chico Air Show at the airport; Chico Earthdance in Cedar Grove; and the Salmon Festival in downtown Oroville.
AD is hitting the Palio and all of its arts goodness as a follow-up to the previous night’s RAYRAY fun, but what to do Sunday, Sept. 26? Ha’Penny Bridge frontman Mark McKinnon performs at visiting poet Susan Browne’s book-release party for Zephyr, at Café Coda at 6 p.m.; CN&R’s own film critic Juan-Carlos Selznick launches his Secret Cinema series at the 1078 Gallery at 7:30 p.m., with “A Dennis Hopper Tribute”; and, of course, there’s the breast-cancer fundraising dance party Boobalicious at Lost on Main that night as well. Or, maybe I’ll just close out the weekend with Mrs. DEVO, a cold beverage, Honey the poodle and episode 10 of Mad Men …