April Fool’s all the time
The spoofs keep on coming from Merry Standish

For some people every day is April Fools’ Day. I’m thinking of Stephen Colbert and the editors of Mad magazine, but we can add Liz Merry and Aaron Standish to the list. They’re the local husband-and-wife comedy duo who have been entertaining North State audiences for decades with their witty spoofs and comedy shticks.
They do to local politicians what Colbert and Jon Stewart do to the big guys, and they’re clever and very funny. If you haven’t seen them, you can check out their performances at www.merrystandish.com.
Since December, they’ve been rolling out a monthly online publication, the Merry Standish Standard (motto: “It’s pretty low”). This is an Onion-like e-magazine filled with spoofs you won’t find anywhere else (they do a great take on Sarah Palin’s visit to Redding, for example).
This month’s issue contains a sharp piece about the Rick Keene-Doug LaMalfa race for state Senate titled “Love torn asunder.” The Standard treats it like a celebrity divorce gone sour and illustrates it with the composite image shown. Here’s an excerpt:
There have been some very public barbs in the acrimonious split. Wealthy lawyer Keene sniped jealously about the millions of dollars LaMalfa has in his war chest. “Well, if I was a welfare queen milking farm subsidies my whole life I’d be a lot richer than I am now too.”
Dougie was visibly hurt by the accusation, wiping his tears away with hundred dollar bills and then throwing them into the rice fire. “That’s just an insult, man,” LaMalfa said. “You sure didn’t mind all my money when Daddy was donating to your 2002 campaign, now did you? I am SO glad I made you sign a pre-nup.”
Check it out. And enjoy our own spoofs beginning here.
On the democracy front: Jerry Harris writes in (see Letters) taking me to task for my column last week, about the signature gatherer named John, whom I chide for explaining one of his initiative petitions incorrectly. I agree that John is “friendly and intelligent,” as Mr. Harris writes, but he misses the point. John’s asking people to sign documents that have the potential to change their and others’ lives in significant ways. If he’s going to sell these petitions to his “customers” by describing them, he needs to be accurate about it. That’s all.