Americans deserve universal health care
Our quality of life is slowly eroding; it’s time to catch up to the rest of the civilized world

The term “socialism” was usurped and bastardized by the likes of the USSR and Nazi Germany. Needless to say, both versions have proven to be among the most spectacular failures in modern history.
Let’s not confuse it with the contemporary style of social democracy, which happens to be a significant component in a multiparty system that is practiced by many of our friends, partners and NATO allies, yet routinely is besmirched and vilified here, when it serves U.S. corporate/government interests.
In the wake of World War II, parts of Europe embraced this unique style of capitalism, which promotes the creation and maintenance of a solid infrastructure by providing an array of citizen-friendly systems and entitlements intended to serve and balance the needs of its people with the pursuit of corporate profit.
For instance: tax-funded universal health care for everyone regardless of pre-existing conditions, covering dental care, prescription drugs, cost of hospitalization and guaranteed continuation of wages for six months, extended paid maternity leave, four weeks paid vacation, automatic (not welfare) subsidies for families with children … and many more, too numerous to list here.
Take Germany as an example. There, parameters similar to those noted above create stability and provide an even playing field, a decent standard of living, along with an environment in which the elite and corporations are held accountable. Though companies are taxed at a higher rate, they nevertheless are able to prosper and flourish as part of a stable economy.
Meanwhile, in the States, our so-called benefits include routine denial of medical service. The American dream has become a nightmare for many of our citizens as a result. The chasm between rich and poor keeps expanding, while the standard of living and quality of life here, once No. 1 in the world, has now sunk to 17th, according to the 2019 Quality of Life rankings. (Canada is No. 1.)
Isn’t it about time to follow the example set by so much of the civilized world by creating/providing a similar program for our citizens? We certainly deserve better.