All about the Land Trust
The NCRLT’s new executive director and upcoming Take a Hike! fundraiser

John W. Hunt, new executive director of the Northern California Regional Land Trust.
PHOTO Courtesy of the northern california regional land trust
Getting to know John W. Hunt
The Northern California Regional Land Trust recently hired a new executive director to replace Jamison Watts, who left the post to take a similar job with the Marin Agricultural Land Trust. John Hunt is the NCRLT’s new executive director, according to a recent NCRLT press release.
Hunt (pictured) “has lived in the North State for over 20 years, where he has worked as a natural-resources professional for more than 15 years,” said the press release. “Prior to accepting the position as NCRLT’s executive director, John worked as a senior wildlife biologist, botanist, wetlands scientist, and geographic information systems analyst in the private sector.”
Hunt’s 18-year-plus career began when he volunteered “on habitat management and restoration projects in Butte, Glenn, and Tehama counties,” the release continues. “Since this time, John has worked in partnership with private landowners, agencies, nonprofits, and community organizations to conserve, manage and restore natural resources on farm, range, timber and wild lands throughout Northern California. Working with diverse partners, including farmers, ranchers, sportsmen/women, and agency personnel has given John a keen appreciation for the value of respect and communication in identifying and realizing common and complementary goals.”
Hunt also has a master’s degree in biology and a certificate in Geographic Information Systems, as well as “extensive regional experience as a resources biologist, GIS analyst, and manager for projects on both working and wild lands.”

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He will be working alongside Noelle Ferdon, NCRLT’s local food systems director, NCRLT lands project coordinator Zach Mendes and Angela Carpenter, office manager and outreach coordinator.
As the press release reminds us, “The Northern California Regional Land Trust works with private landowners and other project partners to conserve working and wild lands using a range of tools,” including the establishment of conservation easements.
Heads up: National Trails Day
In honor of the American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day, the Northern California Regional Land Trust will be hosting its second annual Take a Hike! fundraiser (and 10K trail run) on Saturday, June 1, 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Five-Mile Recreation Area in Upper Bidwell Park. The trail run starts at 7:30 a.m.; the “sunrise party,” featuring breakfast and music, starts at 8 a.m.; a 3 1/2-mile “moderate hike” begins at 9 a.m.; and an “easy hike” of just 2 1/2 miles starts at 9:30 a.m.
Tickets are $25 for adults, $15 for youth (age 5-17). Free entry for kids under 5, and a 10-percent discount for groups of six people or more.
Go to for more info and to register. Register by May 20 for a guaranteed event T-shirt.
“Walking revitalizes me. After one day on the trail I become different from the way I am at home. I am in touch with the seasons, the weather, the varied hours of each day. I see more keenly. I am aware of the details.” —Marlyn Doan, Hiking Light, 1982
“May your trail be dim, lonesome, stony, narrow, winding and only slightly uphill.” — Edward Abbey