A simpler America …

Take a musical journey back to a simpler America with Theatre on the Ridge’s production of Tintypes: An American Musical Review. Pictured: A youthful couple (played by Jarred Rothstein and Jenny Rand) seals their freshly warbled undying love for each other with a kiss. The show features classic melodies from the turn of the 20th century to pre-World War I and was conceived by Mary Kyte with Mel Marvin and Gary Pearle. It’s directed by Joel P. Rogers, with arrangements by Mel Marvin and John McKinney. Continues at 7:30 p.m., Thurs.Sat., through Feb. 16. 2 p.m. Sunday matinees: Jan. 27 & Feb. 3. Tickets: $12 to $16. The Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd., Paradise. Information: 877-5760; www.totr.tierranet.com.