A Season for Giving
Help is always needed, and there’s no better time than the holidays to get in the spirit

Christmas basket application, 9am-4pm at Salvation Army Church, 567 East 16th St. Applicants must bring proof of residency and income. Info: (530) 342-1871 or 342-2199.
Donate a bike to S.T.A.R.S. for annual Christmas Bike Giveaway on Friday, Dec. 12, 3pm. Info: (530) 538-7822.
Donations for needy children sought for annual Needy Children Program. Donations can be dropped off at Sierra Hall Annex building on the Chico State campus. Info: (530) 898-4222.
Giftwrap volunteers needed for Holiday Giftwrap Booth at Chico Mall: two-hour shifts Dec. 20-24. Call for Jennifer at (530) 893-8527 for info.
Jesus Center needs food donations. Call (530) 345-2640 for info and needs list.
Oroville Library Giving Tree. Buy books for gifts. Butte County Library, 1820 Mitchell Ave, Oroville. (530) 538-7642.
Salvation Army Angel Trees are popping up around town. Adopt an angel and give a gift or simply drop a new toy in the red barrel. Info: (530) 342-2199.
Salvation Army Kettle Drive: Red donation kettles at 12 business locations in Chico. Volunteers needed to ring bells. Info: (530) 342-2199.
Salvation Army Toy Drive continues. Toys (and canned food) can be dropped off at any Salvation Army barrel location, or at the store at 700 Broadway. Info: (530) 2199.
Senior Christmas Project will be delivering gifts to seniors alone in care facilities for the holidays. Volunteers and donations needed. Info: (530) 899-7280 or (916) 425-5773.
Terry Jones Memorial Toy Run starts at 9:30am at the Calvary Chapel of Chico Church. Info: (530) 873-2141.
Torres Shelter donations for the homeless. Items needed: Socks, new underwear, plastic/rubber-bottomed slippers, rain gear, househould cleaning supplies and coffee.
UPS Store free shipping for families of military service men and women stationed overseas and in combat locations. Info: (530) 893-1818.