Category: Visitor Guide
Relocation guide
An intro to your new town. This section will fill you in on everything from politics to demographics to transportation to the weather. Oh, and if you need to know where the mall is, you’ll find that here, too.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Health and wellness
A large hospital and wide variety of health-care options make Chico the health-care center of the region.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Fall and winter highlights
Get ready to mark your calendar. Chico offers plenty of activities when the temperatures start to cool.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Whether you’re into hiking, biking, climbing or golfing, Chico’s abundant recreational opportunities will keep you busy exploring.
This article was published on 11.15.07

November 15, 2007
CN&R Vol 31 Issue 18