Category: Health news
High anxiety
Mental health professionals explain the added stressors and therapeutic challenges caused by coronavirus stay-at-home orders.
This article was published on 07.01.20
Peace of mind
Chico therapist and a meditation practitioner offer approaches to coping with the coronavirus pandemic.
This article was published on 03.19.20
How far is too far?
Coronavirus prevention done reasonably, as prescribed by Public Health.
This article was published on 03.12.20
Rural rotations
Butte-Glenn Medical Society launches the Northern California Medical Education Program to bring young doctors for residencies in this underserved region.
This article was published on 03.05.20
Going viral
Though novel coronavirus has doctors and public health officials alerted, other diseases—namely, influenza—pose a higher risk.
This article was published on 02.27.20
Higher mid-levels
California legislators address physician shortage with proposal to expand nurse practitioners’ authority, AB 890.
This article was published on 02.20.20
Outbreak concerns
Epidemiologists offer divergent views on how to respond to U.S. coronavirus cases.
This article was published on 02.13.20
Care vs. incarceration
County pursues $4 million grant for Laura’s Law pilot program for severely mentally ill.
This article was published on 02.06.20
Focus on quality
Dr. Marcia Nelson becomes first woman to receive Enloe’s Physician Legacy Award.
This article was published on 01.30.20
Shared vision
County opens Community Services Center in Paradise to improve Ridge access to care.
This article was published on 01.23.20

July 01, 2020
CN&R Vol 44 Issue 1

March 19, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 32

March 12, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 31

March 05, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 30

February 27, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 29

February 20, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 28

February 13, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 27

February 06, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 26

January 30, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 25

January 23, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 24