Author: Martin Woodside
Upward motion
Hip-hop collective Righteous Movement plots a trajectory toward bigger and better things.
This article was published on 07.24.03
Brother Ali
The Twin Cities’ Brother Ali has a new disc that weds hard-edged lyricism to an impressive assemblage of down-home jazz, blues and soul riffs.
This article was published on 06.26.03
To the last snare
Davis hip-hop crew Nostalgic Progression creates novel structures from a seamless web of obscure jazz and funk loops.
This article was published on 05.29.03
Heat in the kitchen
Sacramento hip-hop fusion combo Addict Merchants knows how to cook in its tiny kitchen practice space.
This article was published on 03.20.03
Cr8 x-pect8ions
N8, of local hip-hop combo the Cuf, moved to Davis and opened a record store, but his heart’s still in Sactown.
This article was published on 02.13.03
Various Artists
Tribute albums are a dime a dozen, but this Kris Kristofferson one’s a keeper.
This article was published on 11.21.02

October 23, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 30

July 24, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 17

June 26, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 13

May 29, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 9

March 20, 2003
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 51

February 13, 2003
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 46

November 21, 2002
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 34