Author: Kris Hooks
What’s best for black students?
Public schools are failing them, but does that mean school choice is the answer?
This article was published on 03.19.20
The audacity of black capitalism
Black-owned businesses are rare in Sacramento, though it’s hard to pinpoint their exact numbers.
This article was published on 09.26.19
Succeed or surrender
Do charter schools address the lasting impacts of school segregation or surrender to them?
This article was published on 09.05.19
Fest in bloom
With Jessie Reyez, Miguel and 14 other standout performers on the bill, boutique R&B festival Sol Blume rocked its second year.
This article was published on 05.02.19
Unite the poor
Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of ending poverty fizzled after his 1968 assassination. So why is it resonating a half-century later in Sacramento?
This article was published on 04.04.19
Double vision
Two exhibits at the Verge Center for the Arts explore the black experience in striking and unsettling ways.
This article was published on 02.21.19
Cut straight to the heart
From slavery to gentrification, Sacramento’s black barbershops are the witnesses to—and survivors of—a turbulent history.
This article was published on 10.25.18
‘Crisis’ of conscience
Racially biased suspensions subject of Sacramento City Unified town hall.
This article was published on 10.04.18
Why is Sacramento failing its black students?
Sacramento schools have the most discriminatory suspension rates in California.
This article was published on 06.14.18
Reporting while black
Being an African-American journalist in the age of Stephon Clark can be toxic for the psyche.
This article was published on 03.29.18

March 19, 2020
SN&R Vol 31 Issue 50

September 26, 2019
SN&R Vol 31 Issue 25

September 05, 2019
SN&R Vol 31 Issue 22

May 02, 2019
SN&R Vol 31 Issue 4

April 04, 2019
SN&R Vol 30 Issue 52

February 21, 2019
SN&R Vol 30 Issue 46

October 25, 2018
SN&R Vol 30 Issue 29

October 04, 2018
SN&R Vol 30 Issue 26

June 14, 2018
SN&R Vol 30 Issue 10

March 29, 2018
SN&R Vol 29 Issue 51