Author: Karlos Rene Ayala
Wild woman blues
On the road with an artist creating the future of music.
This article was published on 04.06.17
Patriots’ picnic: Make America Great Again march draws hundreds to Sacramento, offers surreal glimpse at Trump’s dwindling fan base
Peaceful event raises funds for veterans’ issues and car vandalism.
This article was published on 03.30.17
The secret show you’ve likely heard of
At the Halloween Show, cover bands perform in Sacramento’s underground, but some fear that success may spell its death.
This article was published on 03.23.17
Vandals in the night: Spike in Sacramento-area hate incidents coincides with Trump travel ban
Incidents targeting Muslims ignite both grief and resolve in surrounding communities.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Pipe(line) dream: Sacramento group wants council to put financial pressure on Dakota Access pipeline lender
Seattle divests $3 billion from Wells Fargo after Trump jump-starts pipeline construction.
This article was published on 02.09.17
The Grinch who stole 2016
Trump, K.J., pie, bad charities and all the other losers of SN&R’s annual awards for everything mean, awful and sad!
This article was published on 12.22.16
YG’s dedication to “FTD” on wax and IRL
A little post-election therapy.
This article was published on 12.01.16
On hate and Kanye
Kanye West abandons Sacramento after just two songs, and Pets and Vasas fill Starlite with feel-good rock.
This article was published on 11.24.16
Best 50 restaurants in Sacramento
SN&R picks the region’s 50 most essential, destination-worthy dining experiences.
This article was published on 11.10.16

April 06, 2017
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 52

March 30, 2017
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 51

March 23, 2017
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 50

February 16, 2017
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 45

February 09, 2017
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 44

December 22, 2016
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 37

December 01, 2016
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 34

November 24, 2016
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 33

November 17, 2016
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 32

November 10, 2016
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 31