Author: Greg Lucas
Homophobic hooey
Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla wants to halt the use of “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses.
This article was published on 03.20.14
Six ways to California
Splitting the state isn't just a bogus idea—but the proposed names also bite.
This article was published on 03.06.14
The name game
Want a building or freeway named after you? Here's the skinny on naming public works after politicians and power players.
This article was published on 02.20.14
Gov. Jerry Brown defies typical California budget buffoonery
There isn't a single governor, Democrat or Republican, since 1850 that hasn't bitched about how the state could do a better job managing its money—and then, in most cases, promptly followed that up by tearing through the checkbook.
This article was published on 02.06.14
Maria Shriver's shocking facts about low-income California
The former first lady of California drops a new report as the governor and Legislature mull a new spending plan.
This article was published on 01.23.14
Left behind
Things the Legislature should ditch as the governor releases the 2014 budget.
This article was published on 01.09.14
Beware the impending 2014 political tsunami
Consider yourself warned: 2014 is an election year, and incumbents and newbies alike will do whatever it takes to get your vote and clean up Sacramento.
This article was published on 12.26.13
The $5 billion-plus California shopping list
With California poised to rack up an estimated $5 billion budget surplus, here are some suggestions on what to get the Golden State this holiday season.
This article was published on 12.12.13
2014 poised to be an epic year of pimping ballot measures
In the last 10 years alone, total spending on initiatives has been $1.8 billion—$514 million in the 2012 election cycle alone.
This article was published on 11.28.13

April 03, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 51

March 20, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 49

March 06, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 47

February 20, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 45

February 06, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 43

January 23, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 41

January 09, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 39

December 26, 2013
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 37

December 12, 2013
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 35

November 28, 2013
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 33