Winter in Wartime

In the waning days of World War II, a Dutch teenager (Martijn Lakemeier) is drawn into the activities of the resistance, helping a downed British flier in hiding (Jamie Campbell Bower), even as his own father, the local mayor (Raymond Thiry), continues to truckle to the occupying Germans. The script by Mieke de Jong, Paul Jan Nelissen and director Martin Koolhoven (from Jan Terlouw’s novel) isn’t always entirely persuasive, and Koolhoven’s directorial hand isn’t always steady—the atmosphere of fear seems to come and go at the story’s convenience, with the German army more observant and oppressive at some times than others. But Koolhoven gets strong and natural performances, especially from Lakemeier, Thiry and Melody Klaver as Lakemeier’s sister, who involves herself in the downed flier’s predicament.