A guide to vice and escapism

All the drunken, gluttonous and lazy tips for a better 2017

Another New Year, another set of self-improvement resolutions?

Sure, you could go the self-improvement route but, seriously, do you really want to? We all just survived the crazy, hectic holidays. And the election. Ugh, the election.

Excuse me while I get back into my pajamas, draw the shades and cue up a Fixer Upper marathon.

Symbolically, January is about hitting the reset button, so to speak, and adopting habits that are healthier (less sugar and alcohol, more yoga and running) and smarter (saving money, strengthening relationships, reading a book).

But, sometimes, you just gotta skip the symbolic pretenses and escape reality for a while. Besides, 2017, more than ever, could prove to be a year worth sitting out.

In that spirit, this year SN&R’s annual Vice Guide focuses on escapism—be it through gorge-worthy foods and buzz-inducing drinks, a mind-numbing TV-fest, bong hit or flotation therapy session.

Whatever your desire, we’re here with advice on how to eat, drink, get stoned and otherwise ditch reality.