Try, try again

As this week’s issue was drawing close to its final deadline, we learned that the Yolo County district attorney was again trying to impose sweeping anti-gang rules on two heavily Latino neighborhoods in West Sacramento.

The controversial gang injunction against the “Broderick Boys” street gang was thrown out by the Third District Court of Appeals this spring (see “’I am not a gang member,'” SN&R News, May 3 and the follow-up, “Crime unincorporated,” SN&R July 26) when the court found the curfews and other restrictions on alleged gang members in Broderick and Bryte had been implemented in an unconstitutional way.

Now DA Jeff Reisig is back with a new and improved gang injunction that he hopes will pass constitutional muster. Because of our printing schedule, we weren’t able to learn if Reisig was successful at the Thursday, August 2, court hearing before putting this issue to bed, but watch next week’s issue and check out our Web site for updates.