The Worthy: A Ghost’s Story

Like most 19-year-olds, Conrad just wants to drink and screw. Unfortunately, he’s dead. He’s also obsessed with wresting justice from the bully who killed him during a fraternity hazing—and he’s not interested in waiting for God to take care of it. Conrad’s quest for justice keeps lousing up the Almighty’s master plan. Along the way, readers get an outrageously gross (puking, bleeding, farting), uproariously funny (comeuppance galore) look at campus life—and a lot of reasons to oppose hazing. Hard to believe, but Conrad is a frat rat with a moral center. Originally self-published, Clarke’s novel distinguishes itself from most such endeavors by managing to have some literary merit and being as funny as most of Christopher Moore’s work. It’s your basic giggle-cry-and-think-while-you-read book.