Luck be a lazy

This column was almost called The Lazy Vegan instead of The V Word. That just means I prefer uncomplicated recipes that yield healthy and delicious results. That's easy enough to accomplish, but once in a while, harvesting ideas from other slothlike cooks, such as the Vegan Lazy blog (, can be the cherry on top—or rather, the sweet butterscotch sauce on top—to enliven the next meal. The recipes here consist of ingredients that your little plant-eating face already has stocked in the kitchen, and they're great for people who are transitioning to a vegan diet and don't want to be overwhelmed with unfamiliar items. Or a Vitamix. Admittedly, there's a few recipes on there that I won't be trying—Vegenaise-slathered “eggplant parmesan”—but did I mention the butterscotch sauce?