Letters for January 14, 2016

Homeless need safe ground

Re “Welcome to the occupation” by Nick Miller (SN&R News, January 7):

I keep hearing the authorities use the pretext of “we need to build more permanent housing for the homeless rather than allow them to stay outside” as a reason to deny the homeless the right to camp. Permanent housing is great for that which can be built and delivered, but at the current time funding has not been allocated to build enough for everyone outside, and they need a place to sleep tonight. The city and county should establish several safe grounds with showers, toilets, water and WiFi so the homeless can have a safe and legal place to sleep. Don’t let the potential great be the enemy of the current good.

Michael Faber

Elk Grove

Real mayor’s race issues

Re “Reinventing Angelique” by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R Feature Story, January 7):

Catching a recent radio interview of the candidate, I quickly sensed how disconnected and removed she sounded from the immediate concerns and issues plaguing many of the stable residents in the central city. The thrust of the like-it-or-not arena project has imposed congestion, pollution and difficulty with parking just for simple errands and shopping. The enhanced fleet of parking-enforcement vehicles and extended hours is a constant reminder of the new expenses and permanently increased costs of living here. Residents are priced out of reasonable housing options from inflated rents. Midtown is the bicycle theft capital of the country. Graffiti is so pervasive, acts in progress rarely enforced and costly to many businesses and residents. Every park either has a drinking fountain or bathroom out of order. Public transit basic fare is the most expensive in the state, the stations grimy, trash from years past lying in heaps. These are concerns that candidates should be stating, not waiting to be asked about.

Henry Garciga


Refugee camp?

Re “Welcome to the occupation” by Nick Miller (SN&R News, January 7):

Regarding the whole homeless flap: Do not blame the police; they just enforce the law. It is noted when assistance is offered, it is not helping the cause to refuse it. The obvious reason why the city would like this to all go away is that shiny new arena that hopefully will draw the folk from the burbs. But not with city looking like a refugee camp.

Additionally, the increasingly morally corrupt state Legislature offering to use the “rich tax” to build low-income housing does not even qualify as a palliative. Just where would such housing be built? Oops. Did not see that one coming. Maybe it will be built in outer Land Park, perhaps. But not Curtis Park—god forbid. More like the county, which due to poor leadership has become in many parts quite a dumping ground for people and their problems, but mainly their distressed furniture.

Andrew Mattson


Deeply wrong

Re “Welcome to the occupation” by Nick Miller (SN&R News, January 7):

I saw a news story of Sacramento’s homeless being arrested for “illegal” camping or worse, getting their blankets or sleeping bags punitively confiscated. It broke my heart. Then I saw another story about homeless being arrested at City Hall for peacefully protesting the city’s “no camping ordinance.” It’s not like they’re trying to get away with free camping. They are literally freezing on the streets, wrapped in blankets, trying to survive. My heart broke a little more. Then, I saw news anchors act empathetic about creating a “legal” camping zone—but it’s freezing! Then, on to the next story about the new arena. I’m angry. How can we allow our fellow Americans to suffer so much? Something is deeply wrong.

Michael Stavros
