Letters for August 11, 2016

Web subhead

Low votes, no morals

Re “Allen Warren’s neighborhood” by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R Feature Story, August 4):

Warren had the least percentage—52 percent—of any incumbent running. He knows full well that in a low-income, decaying area such as District 2, voter participation is extremely low. He is Sacramento’s version of [Washington, D.C., mayor] Marion Barry doing just what he wants without regard to normal moral standards. I believe he will be re-elected time and time again, but will eventually be led out of office in handcuffs.

Karen K. Solberg


‘Female privilege’

Re My white privilege by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R Greenlight, July 28):

Jeff vonKaenel listed a politically correct column of his “white privilege.” I’d love to see (anywhere) a woman’s column on female privilege. “I can hit a man and have him arrested if he hits me back.” “I can pour a drink on a man and be protected by the bouncer.” “I can reach the age of 18 without having to register my body with the government.” “I can control my parental destiny even after a child is conceived.” “I can be born without someone restraining me and slicing off part of my genitals.” “I can receive free food and entertainment while deciding whether someone is worthy of me.” “I can get myself drunk, engage in sex and then deny responsibility for my actions.” “I can get away with behavior that would get a man fired for sexual harassment.” There’s more to say, but letters have a 200-word limit.

Fred Hayward


Choose wisely

Re My white privilege by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R Greenlight, July 28):

This has to be the best essay I’ve ever read on race and politics. I was born pigment-privileged, but so many still seem to talk and act like pigment is a choice. However, I’m most bothered to share that pigment percentage with the Republican candidate for president. Thank goodness I can choose my politics.

Richard Keys


Politics as usual

Re K.J.’s alternate reality by Nick Miller (SN&R News, July 28):

Finally, we can read for ourselves what the Kevin Johnson emails said. Pretty disgusting, but not surprising. Reminds me of Hillary Clinton, and not in a good way. This kind of behavior appears to be politics as usual in this country. Little, if any, ethics.

Barb Rohrer
