How not to die in Sacramento

Illustration by serene lusano

The book How Not to Die is not a guide on how to become an immortal resident of Mount Olympus, but about how to reduce, reverse or eliminate diseases and live better and longer by our food choices. Its author, Dr. Michael Greger, uses science to get to bottom of it all. He’s also the author of, where he presents videos and pens articles such as “The No. 1 Dietary Risk Factor is Not Eating Enough Fruit” and “Why are Chickens Fed Prozac?” (Hint: It’s money, not your health.) Greger will be in Sacramento for a talk on Sunday, February 14, at 4 p.m. at Kaiser Permanente at 1650 Response Road. See the event listing at for more info. Take your valentine and get inspired by this superstar of health and nutrition findings, and maybe reconsider your dinner reservations at Outback Steakhouse in favor of a romantic, not-death-inducing meal at home.