Eight Gigs: Tango Buenos Aires

Thurs., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., Harris Center for the Arts, $31.50-$62.10

World music has always been a challenging genre for talent buyers across the United States. What works in one major market like San Francisco may not always work for the next, and vice versa. Thankfully, the music of Argentina has garnered a large audience given its combination with dance. Although tango's roots are largely a mix of Spanish and well-crafted African fare, its beginnings go back far to the time of the original cowboys known as gauchos. This production pays homage to the late First Lady of Argentina, Eva Perón, and features the overtly talented Tango Buenos Aires dance troupe. Get your tickets in advance. 10 College Parkway in Folsom, www.harriscenter.net.