Eight Gigs: Shotgun Sawyer

Fri., July 15, 8:30 p.m., Old Ironsides, $6

This is gritty blues-rock straight from the gold-panning city of Auburn. Shotgun Sawyer’s four-song EP, Thunderchief, includes hard-hitting songs like “Skinwalker,” which takes the loud, amplified temper from rock n’ roll and the instrumental improvisation from blues to create a catchy track that sets the tone for what’s to come. Dylan Jarman (vocals and guitar), Brett Sanders (bass) and David Lee (drums) are the members behind Shotgun Sawyer, formally known as Thunderchief. So, if you see that name paired with this band on the web, now you know why: transitions. 1901 10th Street, www.shotgunsawyer.com.