Eight Gigs: Megafauna

Sun., May 8, 8 p.m., Starlite Lounge, $8

Megafauna is a rock band from Austin, Texas, that melts faces. This is how they present themselves, anyway. But sure enough, their songs are rife with enough riffs to fill a 1970s rock ’n’ roll arena. But Led Zeppelin Megafauna is definitely not. There is something both urgent and foreboding about their music. The songs are dense and packed with so much energy that they never slow down. Yet there’s something in their weird chords and lead singer Dani Neff’s off-kilter vocals that sounds like a warning of something disastrous on the horizon. Disaster never sounded like so much fun. 1517 21st Street, www.megafaunamusic.com.