Allergy relief a local brew of tea away

Photo By illustration by MARK STIVERS

Early though it might be, spring weather is upon us, as are blooming flowers, pollen and allergies. If you’re anything like me, you probably have a runny nose, sneeze attacks and itchy eyes and throat. Well, here’s a tasty alternative or supplement to your favorite allergy pill: a warm and soothing allergy-curing tea that treats both your symptoms and the problem.

First, get some local wildflower honey. A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday morning, I purchased a gigantic 6-pound jar of Lienert’s Honey ($20) at the Central Farmers Market (Eighth and W streets). Owner Britt Floyd says the sweet stuff will lessen your body’s immune response to flower pollen. Anyway, glob a spoonful of honey into a mug, add a dash of fresh citrus—like a handful of crushed kumquats or half a sliced lemon—and then stir with boiling water. Optional: Add your favorite tea, and pour over ice.